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Slui 4 Not Working Windows 10: Causes and Fixes for This Common Error

Although Windows 11 has arrived, most people are still comfortable with their current Windows 10. Windows 10 users face many issues, and the Windows 10 activation key not working is one of them. If you're one of them, there's good news for you. This article will share six ways to fix Windows 10 activation key not working issues. But before getting into the six best ways, we will first delve into why and what.

These are some common reasons your Windows 10 product key is not working. Many users think upgrading to Windows 11 from Windows 10 removes activation. However, it's not true. You won't face activation issues while upgrading to Windows 11.

Slui 4 Not Working Windows 10

One of the most common reasons behind facing Windows 10 activation key not working issue is the insertion of an incorrect product key. Ensure you enter the correct key while installing or reinstalling a Windows 10. One more thing to bring to your notice is that you aren't required to enter the product key in case of updating to Windows 11 from Windows 10.

That's all about how to fix Windows 10 activation key not working error. Windows activation comes with several benefits. You can perform customization and personalization up to a maximum extent. Moreover, you don't see a watermark continuously, which could be pretty annoying for some users.

Good day Andre can you help me out here around 10 mouth ago I bought this HP disk top computer with windows 8 was on it. I then put windows 10. But i did not do a back up of windows 10. Some time later I have power cut in my home when the power came back on I was unable to go back to windows 10. I have to do a complete reinstall of windows 8 through HP the people who i thing build the computer. I have try to get back Windows 10 but is on unable to do so can you tell me why am I unable to get Windows 10.

Windows 10 Tech Support 18556394698 , windows 10 tech support, windows 10 support number, windows 10 technical support number, windows 10 technical support, Windows 10 Technical support group is an outsider administration supplier for All sort of Windows 10 Issues. We give administrations through our accomplished geeks giving answer for Microsoft items since quite a while with continuous learning.

Thank You, im struggling before, i have full windows 10 pro license and used it on my mac bootcamp, later i buy new laptop for windows and erased the old bootcamp. When i tried to inserted the license on my new laptop it say that the license cannot be verified. Lot of ways i tried from the internet, but the simply one is worked, by using Window virtual agent on my windows 10, i just follow the instruction and the problem was solved.

It's also relatively easy to try slmgr /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx and then an slmgr /ato to see if you can get it to take and activate using the new key that way. And slui.exe 3 should allow you to essentially do the same thing with a GUI.

I am having some issues with my windows software activation. I recently changed the hardware for a dell server and in doing so my windows became inactivated. I had a valid windows license before but now if I try reactivating it, I receive a message stating that Microsoft does not recognize it as a valid product. I have tried to reactivate according to the windows support article but no luck. If anyone has any advice it would be a great help.


slmgr.vbs /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxWe just entered the key, not activated yet.Type the below command to activate the Windows. Obviously, your computer should have a working internet for activation.

As part of the licensing system for Windows PCs, you can use the SLUI.exe process to activate your Windows 10 license or change your current license key. You can run the process manually using Run, but selecting to change your license in the Windows 10 Settings menu will also launch the slui.exe process.

The Windows activation error occurs frequently to stop users from activating Windows successfully. Why did this happen? How to fix windows activation error? What happens if Windows is not activated? Questions like these will be answered in the following content.

Sarah has been working as an editor at MiniTool since she graduated from university. Sarah aims at helping users with their computer problems such as disk errors and data loss. She feels a sense of accomplishment to see that users get their issues fixed relying on her articles. Besides, she likes to make friends and listen to music after work.

Thanks for the information. Been facing this issue recently.. But, how to get help in windows 10 directly ? I only know one way, that If we press F1 key in windows, it will automatically request assistance from Microsoft Technical Support. Any other best method you know? Please

To perform an offline activation, I'll open up PowerShell as administrator on the Windows Server to activate and use the command slui 4. This should give us a particular screen that asks us to select our country or region. Once we add this, it should provide us with a toll-free number and our product installation ID. This installation ID is going to be between six and seven characters long, and as you can see here, ours is going to be seven.

Hello, after purchasing the laptop and using for two weeks, I got the message that activation is ending soon and the system need to be activated through settings, which requires me to enter the windows activation key.

Reinstall windows using the recovery media that you may have created shortly after the computer was purchased, if you haven't that's okay as you can order one online using the Official HP Website: Click here. The only other way to install Windows would be to order the recovery media for your laptop and using the recovery media you can install Windows. You can check if the recovery media is available online on by entering the exact model no. of your laptop. To find the exact model no. click here:

Software Licensing User Interface (SLUI) can be launched using Command Prompt or Run. Four different options can be used with the slui command. "slui 1" will bring up the activation status windows, "slui 2" will bring up the activation window, "slui 3" will bring the "Change Product Key" window and "slui 4" will bring up the "Call Microsoft & Manually Activate" window.

J0 THE WASHINGTON W TIMES SUNDAY SEPfEJIBER 4 190tI 190tI U Uss p p p p II p p p p S S S S S 5 55S5Sp1 p1115 I I FarSighted Men MenGreat Great Leaders Lead r in Business All Over the th World VVorldRecognize Recognize the Value of WantI i Advertising In Washington Its Times Want Ads II I 1 J 1 L1 cBUOWNING FAMILY FAMILYCAPTURESCAPTURES CAPTURESPRIZES CAPTURESPRIZES1iamous PRIZES PRIZESIrnmousFamous Fiddlers Win in inGarrett inGurrettGarrett County Count Contest ContestDISTANCE ContestDISTANCEDISTANCE ALL COMPETITORS COMPETITORSOldTime COMPETITORSOldTimeOldTime Artists Play Mountain Horn Hornpipe Hompipe pipe and Other Stirring Melodies Melodiesofof Pioneer Days DaysOAKLAND DaysOAKLANDOAKLAND Md Sept 3The The fa fommpus m mous 1s Browning family fRm 11 y descendants of ofthethe pioneer ploneen settler of this thl region again againtest againdldl d1tinguishe UnbJlehe test of Jhe old j flddlors fiddh rs of Garrett Garrettcountcounty count The contest was 8 held in the theopera theopera theoperaopera house at Friendaville FriendavilleThe FrlendtJvillftThe FriendevilleTheThe thirty thlrt contestants conte tants came mostly mo tlyfrom the mountain and glades of Gar Garrott GtLrrott Grrottrott but there ere were ere B few t v from the theadjolnlog theadjolniogadjoining counties in Pennsylvania and andWest andYost an1WoetWest Virginia Nearly all of thorn wure wereold wureol wureoldol old men A few were very old oldThere oldThoreThere were w re two classes in the compe competition competitiontition Class 1 being made up of men menOor Lover fifty years of age and andCI Class 2 of ofmoomon under fifty fift The entries wore more morcnumorousnumerous in Class Cla L LPrizes 1Prizes Highly Esteemed EsteomedThroeThree distinterested d1 Untere ted judges presided presidedand presldtdandand the contestants went about their theirwork theirworkwork as a solemnly as a if human life de dependedpended upon the outcome To win a n nprize ii Lprize at one of these the e contests is a a mat matterter of no small importanoo 1mportan and marks markRthethe winner as 8 a a man of distinction dl tlncUon as asJong asJong a alongJong as he lives Even hip hi family famll and andrelatives andreIatlveB am I Ireatlvesrelatives share the reflected glory glolOldfashioned Oldta hloDed music only was wa playedThe T e Class 1 entries had to play Opera OperReel and Billle in the LowlandEach one was also permitted 1 > 9lo1mftted to play pla atune of his hl own selection The Class ClAs 2fiddlers were required to play the thuM Mountain uAtain Hornpipe and a a selfse lected tune tuneThere tuneThere tuneThereThere were several Brownings en tered in each clans and they the upheld the thereputaUon thi CreputaUon of the family In Class 1John F Browning got first prize and antStephen F Browning Bro1nln second prize In IrClass 2 Abel Browning got first prize prizeand prizeand pi1z pi1zandand Abel De Witt second prize The Theprizes Theprlze Thiprizesprizes were musical instruments instrumentsHOI InstrumentsTHINKSTHINKS HIS BOY LEFT LEFTHUMEHOI 1 millSE WITH IT HORSE O88 TRADER TRADERParent TRAEEParentParent R Reports ports Case to Police and Asks AsksAid AsksAid Asc SAid in Bringing Him Back Backto BacktoJLl to Them ThemLuredi ii I Iuu 7 7Ltlred 4 4LeredLured from fl m his hl home by a traveling travelIn gI Is se trjider Giovanni Mike an Italian 1tais a1 boa has Itabeen been missing ml8 tng from 3M7 7 Eighth EighthStreet Eight EightStreet hStreet northwest OIthwe t since nee last Tuesday TUe da and andhis andbitt an dhis relatives have be ve appealed to the police policetG polic polic1o eto locate him himIt himIt himItIt to b believed Meved by the boys 00 father that thatthe thatthe th ththethe lad has been taken away into some someman son sonsmallsmall man town in a nearby State and will wi Jll Jllnotnot return home unless apprehended by bythe bythe b bthethe police and brought back by them themAt themAt themAtAt the time of his disappearance dl appearance the thelad thelad th thladlad was dissatisfied dluatitl ed with his people peopleand peoplaDd peopi peopiasdand his home He is J s described as being boin boinlivefive feet five inches tall dark rk com complarien comJt18llen conplezenplarien straight as a an arrew black hair hairlarge hlUrlarge hal r r3arelarge brown eyes eye wore a black coat cos Lt tand blue trousers He had a a bicycle bicycleand bicyclianaland is believed to have sold this this in I iorder to go with the horse trader who whomade wbmade enticing promises proml es and caused him Idito leave Ieav his hJ family tmil tmilCompudonBCompanions of the missing ml lng lad were wereuked wer weraekedasked about his hi whereabouts and they the theoneone and all said they last saw sa w the t ieboy 00 without his hfbicycle and in com company I ipany with the horse trader whose name namis for the present withheld Ithheld The boy howent about the city with the man for ft Jseveral s veral days and became intimately ac acquntntod aquointed with him frequently riding the Ui ie ehones which he purchased or trAdedHe is 1 said to have told his comrades comrad J ithat he Intended to leave the city clt with wit hthe horse trader when the latter witk took too khis departure from WashingtonThe bey bey did not InUmate this to hl hlrelatives hlrelotlv6 h hre1atjVeerelatives re1atjVee but when they learned what whehe told his companions they the became becameaSBuredthat becaxz ieassured aSBuredthat that he had carried out hi his h Isthreat to leave le ve home at t the first oppor oppo rtunity His father does not believe lth himto be a bad boy but is of the lmnr IIlIWP IIlIWPmonmon 0 tytt j2l p pceeunT = ceeun uie was brought to toiei bear bearin j r rinin order to get him to leave without withoutblading witho withobidding itbidding hs parents a a last adieu adieuLastLast evening een ng the father who is an anengineer fnongineerengineer called upon Captain Board Boardman Boardman Boar j 1rman and and asked that a general lookout lookoutbe lookoutbe looko utbe maintained for the boy and requested requo request lookoad ted tedthat sdthat 4 dNilrlpUve rrlpUve circulars be te seat requesthe to tomall the thesmall hemall hesmall > > mall towns contiguous to Washington Washingtonin 50in the hop MIMI h D4i of locatinghim locatinghimThe locating him himTheThe father said he had no Idea where wherethe wherethe whe whethe rethe lad went or when he left the city citybut cl y Ybutbut he knew the boy left his hl home last lastTuesday lutTde Is IsTuesday st ystTuesday Tde day clad in his h best clothes tak takNEGRESS takIng tainn with him his bicycle p8cUcaliy pacUealiy tahe tbe tbeonl t heonl only thing upon which be could ral ralmonoy ralmoneY tlee leemoneY monoyNEGRESS moneYNEGRESSNEGRESS GETS 15 DAYS DAYSFOR DAYSFORFOR RESISTING OFFICER OFFICERA OFFICE i n FlA DUalty ialty of flee or fifteen days da in injail Inj11 njail wan w Imposed Impo ed upon Minnie Robinson Robinsona m nI Iaa negrefls negr9 s in the Police Court yesterday yesterdayfor yesterdaYfor yesterd ayfor assaulting ulting Policeman Short hort of the theSeventh theSeventh t tSeventh h heSeventh precinct Friday afternoon afternoonThe atternoonTheThe woman womanwu was employed a as a nurse nursefar nurNter nu raefar Dr VST D Monroes Moneoe eighteen months monthsold monthsold mont ha Wmonttheold daughter ughter Yesterday morning morningstarted she shestarted shestarted thestarted from her employers em loJerJI residence residencewith reklencewith resider residerwithwith the baby saying Ying she was w going goingdowntown goingdowatown gel JJg1downtown to do some shopping abot PIng The Themorning Th8momlng 1 1rn hemorning ocning passed and she be ld 14 not return returnIn returnIn retu retuted rnIn the afternoon her employer reported reportedthe reportedthe repor reporthe ted fthe nurses nur 8 Mace fc e oe to the police of the theSeventh theSeventh I L LSeventhSeventh praoincL and twked oeketf that she be belocated K beJoeatedlocated Th The polkwfound pol found her In a house housetat houseDeU ho hoLv wetat Bells DeU Court She is said to have havebeen havebeen hi Lv lvabeen drunk and had been feeding ba ba4o bato Daianai 4o to o the infant which had been beentrst4 en enA entotrst4 A to hr care carebe ea eah11he be h police Ollce took the U baby from her hernd hera t tled lera sad nd are then aald to have hav aggravated aggravatedher AKgravateIter aggrava teaher Into making a struxirle for aggravaPO her free freedom trp trpclom fr PO dom In this attempt she he Inflicu inrncwAhe frL L a asUtOK aICratchslight scratch OB Shorts shorts hand and andrested h hrried hu hured ilttred her r on a charge arglt ot f a seslt sesltGUSLSCHULDT Mftlt MftltGUSASCHULDT 1t 1tGUSAGUSASCHULDT GUSASCHULDTWINS GUSA SCHULDT SCHULDTWINSWINS EUCHRE PRIZE PRIZEW PRIZE4wi PRI z E4wi CeuMMT oOice has returned to Wash WashiHfi WI Yah YahI ish shI iHfi n after several J Wral weeks vacation vacationfiftMtt vacationt vacal vacali Lion IonfiftMtt t at i 4Wlweet UC 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Strtlt8northwest Str eti I Inorthwestnorthwest northwestSummer northwestSummerSummer Diarrhoea In Children ChildrenDuring ChildrenDuringDuring the hot weather of o the sum summer summer sumtrier mer months the first unnatural looue loouenees 100tlene loesenessness ne of o a childs mediate attention so o as to cluck ch JCk the tb 13disease before it becomes nerltUH AH AHChamberlains Anthat Al 1 1tiatthat I ii necessary l is 0 few doses osc or orChamberlalns o f fChamberlainsChamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar Diarrhoea Diarrhoea Diarchose rhoea Remedy followed by a lon Io toe of orcaator o ocastor fcastor oil to cleanse the system The TheRev Tb e eRevRev M or I O Stockland pastor of the thelIIlI4t th thMFirst M 1 E Church Little Falls FltIl Minn Minnwrites MInnwrites lfnn lfnnrltwrites rlt We Ve re have used Chamberlains ChamberlainsColic ChamberlRJnColle ChamberlainColicColic Cholera and nd Diarrhoea Remedy Remedyfor Remed Remedforfor several years ettrs and find It a very valu valuableable remedy remed especially for summer dls dlserdGnI Ierdors rders in children 011 lid ron Sold by b all drug druggists druGJala druggists diri i gists JalaIHELP WANTED WANTEDFEMALE FEMALE FEMALEWANTEDI I IIWANTED W V AITED ANTEDYoung Young Youn lady as cashier bringreference ref refs erenc HOPWOOD HOP rOOD Sth and 1C l sts 1ft 1ftJe4kse43 Je4kANTEDFinftclRSH s e4k e4kANTEDFIrWANTED W ANTEDFinftclRSH ANTEDFIr Firstclass tclsss buttonhole maker makeron mak r ronon vo Ytflt vusta ts 6S6 6 G st nw third floor llOOtse43tons se43t se43tWANTED se43tANTEDhlte s e43tWANTED W Wwo ANTEDhlte White girl Irl for or light JI work wo rk Call at 1344 Union st t sw S sel2t 81012tVWANTED W V ANTEDA A middleaged woman WOIflflfpr WOIflflfprneral for forgeneral forgeneralgeneral ge neral housework for one man no chitdren lr en would Mrs lr8 Salmon please call callagain callagainagain ag ain 12 3d Idst st no it314 EAST CAPITOL ST Loidoun LoudounTwo LoudounTwownltresses Two Twowaitresseswaitresses 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or ironing Apply 414 4th st at se seseltf asseltf M MJileItseltf seltfWANTED JileItV seltfANTEDTwo IWANTED W V ANTEDTwo Two white hite vegetable cooks90 a o and 96five kitchemnalds 115 15 ten tei ichambermaids c 12 1 and 16 l i cleaners IJli 14 1 4 DICKSHOTEL AGENCY 12th st st a Land a ud Pennsylvania Penn Pennmylvanisave PennmylvanisaveANTEDTen ylanla ave s e21t e21t1V 2St 2StWANTEDWANTED 1V ANTEDTen Ten girls girt for laundry experience p erience not necessary nfJCe Nry 112 ii 4Vi 4 at sw swe23t 8W8e23t awse23te23t 8e23tWAiTEDGood se23t se23tANTEDGoodpWWANTED WAiTEDGood W Good cook with referencesmust m ust stay ta niglts good wage wages 3072 D7 Q I Inws st st nw seSat seSatHELP asakELP eZ3tHELPHELP K ELP WANTED W WANTEDMALE A TEDM MALE LE FEMALE FEMALEWANTED FEMALEANTEDYoung FEMALEANTEDYoungWANTED W ANTEDYoung Young men to prepare for forguaranteed torguamnt6d fc ruaranteed rguaranteed g uaranteed position as stenographers stenographersand snd sand a nd bookkeepers bookkeeprll also civil service ex examinations examlnatioDIJ e eminations aminations a Write or call on NA NTIONAL T IONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Inc Inc80utheast Lsoutheast s corner of 12th and nd F aLa nw nwEDUCATED nwse427t nv h hse427tse427t se427tEDUCATED se427tDUCATEDj EDUCATED E ITALIAN IT LIAN lady lad or gentlen man m an wanted tor private teacher teach r Ad A Aressd dress ress IN 1NSftUCrOIt flftuCTOR BOX 113 this o cae3Ztfice ae32tcSITUATIONS WANTED WANTEDFEMALE WANTEDFEMALEW FEMALE FEMALEWANTEDWANTED W WANTEDA ATEDA A position as cashier andbookkeeper experience and r refrences refrencesweek f fer renctji ncj J6 3 6 week to commence Address BOXIX 1 35 this thl ofllce se42t se42tWANTED stZtVWANTED ANTEDPosition V Position as cook and x gen xtneral general m meraleral housewrker no washing in smallj family rtrstclass fir tcla reference reeren BOX 134 thlH office It ItWANTED ItVANTEDLaundryork itWANTEDLaundryworki VANTEDLaundryork WANTED Laundry work to do at home hom40 m K st nw s as43t as43tWANTEDBY 4at 4atnVANTED 3t 3tVANTEDBnVANTED WANTEDBY VANTEDB By two women work ork clean cleanng ing I ng olllces Address 705 7O 8th si nw nwse42t nwse4U nwse42tse42t se42tVANTEDSituatlons se4UV se42tVANTEDSituattonsVANTEDSituatlons V finltclnJi nrstclasn plain phiinclocks hi hicbcksclocks c J workers 1211 10th nt > > t nw nwANTEDBy u uWANTED ItyWANTED y ANTEDDy By lady lad writing or any kind kindof klntJor kindofof office work if permanent will accept acceptsmallsmall salary Address BOX 117 11 l this ofjflee fic It ItWANTED ItY itWANTEDWANTED Y ANTED By firstclass fir tclaM laundrt laundress laundresswashing s swashingwashing or Ironing or day work urk 41Jackson at no s ee3lt ee3ltWANTnDBy i 3 3Jt 3JtW t tWANTEDWANTED W AITEDDy By a respectable re pectable colored coloredgirl cO coloredgirl r d d1at girl place 1a as nurte n f or general e worker workerurouml workeraround rker rkerBep2ltaround house u Call S66 nth st nw nwp2lt nwsepi4tBep2lt Bep2ltLADIES sepi4tLADIES p2lt p2ltLADIESLADIES as you return to your our winter lnterhomes Ju just t hand me your orders fortrained servants prompt service 419 41910th 41910th 41910th10th st nw basement ba ment phone 3618 lSBOWIE CO SITUATIONS WANTED WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALEVANTEDDy WANTEDMALEWANTEDBy MALE MALEWANTEDWANTED VANTEDDy By flrstcla flrstclaMS s painter letterer striper and monogramer situa tion lately laud of the largest vehicle fac tory in the world can furnish bent flt of ofreferences orreterencs ofreferencusreferences Address Addre BOX 9 92 2 this oineeIt ItWANTED 1tW itWANTEDByWANTED W WANTEDBy AITEDB By experienced white J JPlac man manplac manplacplac as Janitor handy with tools no nochildren nochildren nochildrenchildren Address ASdrees W V R 321 Missouri Missouriave Missouriave Missouriaveave nw fl it itWANTED ltV itWANTEDBYWANTED WANTEDBY V ANTEDB By paperhanger and painter painterwork painterwork painterworkwork by the week for some omo real rca estate cmateoffice eta estateoffice te teofficeoffice or house owner Address BOX 133 133thin 133thlH i33thisthin Office e33t M sel31rANTEDmn e33tWANTED 3t 3tVANTEDJSyWANTED VANTEDJSy rANTEDmn By man work around housetend furnace care for homo hor e work of ofany oCany ol olanyany kind good references 1882 j hIlt at ateJ2t t te32t tse32te32t se32tV eJ2tWANTEDByreliableWANTEDByreliable V ANTEDBy reliable white whiteaition mail poKltion IUon ns collector or watchman A Address dre BOX 112 11 ll24hla this h18 office o lco se32t se32tWANTBD lIe32lW sel2LWANTWANTBD W ANT liDBICYCLES liDBICYCLESI BICYCLES BICYCLESWANTII WANT TO 3UY Ui overs overscycle ovary bicycle bioeli In IWashington C fr l HUNTER The DL DLcycle I Iocycle o 4U1 au2SOt > 4I HELP WANTED ANTEDMALE V ANTEDMALEANTEDMan MALE MALEANTEDManW ANTEDMan to run huckster wagon wagonmust waKonrrust vagoit must m ust be I experienced Apply Appl 1810 1 st stnw stnw11 nw 11 W it itAY ItVAY V ANTED Registered Hgl tered druggist Add dress reas DRUGS this office o lct It ItAITEDYounW VANTEDYoung AITEDYoun man as salesman Inf furniture urniture store must know how to sellI HOPWOOD H OPWOOD 8th and K st ala LI i se43t se43tWANTED 1e43tANTEDFloorWANTED WANTEDFloor ANTEDFloor Floor mnn for our house houseurnishings >furniahlngK furnishing f department thoroughly un derstand dtntand d erstand house furnishing goods In allaldetails tttal d etails Apply SUPERINTENDENTS SUPERIN1 foocs INDEITSOFFICE O V V ANTED ANTEDYoung ANTEDYoung Young man with wih two years yearsexperience yearsxperience earexperience e at carpenter work Apply Appl Applrr41i rr41 1407 1 4oi P st iL nw on carpnter Monday londa It Itor I IANTEDOneWANTEDOne ANTEDOne apprentce apprentice bo boy wtt on onor oneor o r two years ears experience In tinning Apply p ly to HORACE H WHITE Nevancc Nevanccstst a t Brentwood Brentwod Aid It ItWANTED I IANTEDSeveral ItWANTEDSeveralWANTED ANTEDSeveral Several hustling solicitors sollcltnrsorhustng slclt1I for f or laundry laundr the active actye BeaMn season is at hand handApply handnnd handndnnd a nd we e guarantee good men ood mone money moneypplyApply A pply CAPITOL LAUNDRY 3237 3Z7 K st stnw atw t tnwi nw n w se43t se43tSCHNEIDERS sc3t sc3tVWANTEDA V AITEDA frtclas firstclass oyster cok cook atSCHNEIDERS SCH1EIDEUS S NAVY YARD EXCHANGE C 1100 HO 8th st at se le se43t se43tWANTED 1Iet 1IetANTEDJ1armer aolItWANTEDFarmerWANTED WANTEDFarmer ANTEDJ1armer Farmer white whie single near nearcity noarcitycity c ity Apply ApplJ Monday 12 to 2 SIGN nG COBIO > 10 lOE 15 J st nw It ItWANTED 1WANTED ANTEDNeat Neat white boy bo in gentle gentlemens gente gentettns mens ttns furnishing store age about Ilbut 11 I or14 1 i 208 Pennsylvania ave nw It ItWAXTED ItVANTEDClrcullrand itANTEOCIreularWAXTED VANTEDClrcullrand ANTEOCIreular Circular and sample smple dlstrib dlstributers dlstrb dlstrbutfr8i uters utfr8 U J tera wanted everywhere no canvass 0Ing 1 mg good go pay piy COOPKRATIVE COOPRRA TIVE ADV DVi CO New ew York It ItWANTED I itVANTEDMenWANTED y VANTEDMen A TEDMen Men everywhere good payto t o distribute circulars clrcularl ndv ud matter mater tack tacksigns Jsigns s dans igns etc no canvassing NATIONALADV AD BUREAU Chicago It ItWANTED I IA1TEDAWANTED WANTEDA A1TEDA A boy by of 16 1 or 17 1 to work n a abakerybakery bltker Inquire Inquir at 125 ID H st ne nee42t ne12t meael2te42t 12t 12tW e42tWANTEDWANTED W ANTEDTen Ten boys bys to learn the tin tinning tinring ning business busine COLLIER BROSAHAV lROSAHA tn tnning420 4 4 20 se42t se42tW aolItVANTEDPaperhangers 12th lZh t at s se M or 3d J and H I aLa st nw nwse42t nwt nwANTEDPaprhADger nwaolItW VANTEDPaperhangers ANTED ANTEDPaprhADger Pa perhangers Apply WM W1F FNOLTIi NOLTE KK I O7 llth 1th ilthat st nw It ItBBTTING I IBETING ItITTINGBBTTING BETING 1 COMMISSIONER COM ISSIONR WANTBD W >AITID AITIDanMan an of good Ko address Addr having wide ac acQualntanc acqualntancoqualntanc In own locality lOlty to plac placwagers placwag iwagers wag rs on Presidential Preidental election eleton cash cashcommission cashcmmlMlon Icommission cmmlMlon paid Pid write fully Cul giving ref re refrfnce referencefrfnce erence rence Address Addres P O BOX 17SS 1 New NeYork auSlSSse411 auSlSSse411WANTED aUI28el au21se411WANTEDWANTED A TED vt t RIggs Hoi Ho white ele ellvator elevatorvator boy bo b Ing references sc83t se3t se3tAITEDx seS3tWANTEDExperiencedWANTED WANTEDExperienced AITEDx Experienced rlenced wagon driver drivergood drivergood drivergoodgood reference reCer WANTED WANTEDMen V ATED2en Men to learn barber brbr trade tradeeight tradeeight tradeeight ieight weeks average time tme required rlUlrfdwages walf Saturdays Sturdas while whie learning 10 to t J16 6 weekly kuarnnteed iuanmtee when throughillustrated iustrte catalogues c taJoges mailed ml1 d free MO l10LERS BARBER COLLEGE 380 O Canal Canalnt Clnal ClnaliL 1 1atnt iL at New York city clt so3Ct so3CtWANTED so6t so6tV o36t o36tWANTEDYoungWANTED WANTEDYoung V ANTED Young Youn man high school schoolgraduate schoolgrdute 1 1 1graduategraduate grdute IS 8 to SO 3 preferred pretcrrN to run pas passenger PfUInger passonger senger nger elevator with Ith prospects propcts of pro promotion promoUon promotion motion to clerkship in a a large lrge store torlAddress Addre BOX 123 J this thl office se 8 se5 t tWANTEDOlee tVANTDOffleeWANTED WANTEDOlee VANTDOfflee Office boy bo Apply A QPh to EU El GENE CARUS1 A a SONS l 11 1t l F at t nw nseS3t seS3tness ae3ItWANTEDBoyset setWW WANTEDBoy ANTED to l learn arn dr dry goods bu bus lness ne Address BOX 45 thin office goos fee seZ seZWANTEDYouth e2t e2tWANTED et etVWANTED WANTEDYouth V ANTED Youth 17 to S 34 J to care cre for 10 rbusiness bane college cJ e rooms roms in exchange exchanle lor lorWANTED 101 to rtuflq tuition Iq dag as school h Addr AdiiflrsBOX BOX 1S iii Ithis oce odlce se3t se3tV sel4t sel4tWANTEDGoodWANTED WANTEDGood V ANTEDGo Good short order cook seccad od lOOi lO Pennsylvania Ppnnsylnla ave ava nw nwepg3t nwp3t nwaepf3t cok seepg3t aepf3tWANTEDStut epg3tWANTEDp3t p3tANTEDStoutWANTED ANTEDStout Stout boy to work In baitcry er Apply 284 llth 1th st se s 5SJJ23t 5SJJ23tWANTEDExperienced p23t b 3t 3tVWANTED WANTEDExperienced V ANTEDExpfced Experienced colored oiorl dish dlsh1ab washer 1ab r W06 I4Y Pennsylvania Pelyianla ave avesen23t aveepk avesepe3tsen23t sepe3twANrEIAt epk epkW IWANTED W wANrEIAt ANrEDAt Atonce young man as abookkeei bkkeper bookkeeper > er and an 8enogaphCr stenographer r must be al b bstrictly Istrictly 8tlct up to date and honest hoet refer ences ence required rfq dlred state ste salary salr expected IAddress Addr BOX HX JO 106 this office ofce expted ep33t sep3tWANTEDDt1er ep33tWANTED ep3t ep3tWWANTED W WANTEDDt1er ANTEDDf8r Driver to care Cre for two twhon br horses es and ad drive oyster wagon must mUt mae It thave hve experience eperiece good go wages Wage M l C st 5t at Inw n or 191 191 7th ac J at nw sp tep23t sepl4tWANTEDA WANTED W WANTEDA AITEDA A practical prcticl bicycle biycle man Lone who understands understds brazing braing none noneother noneother non nonother eother need nel apply 706 i8 T I st nw n sep23t sep23tWANTED sep3tAITEDTwo It ItWANTEDTwo tWANTED AITEDTwo Two stout boys to learn lern tin tinnig tinflingfling nig Apply App ALEX ALEX ST JOHN 1248 lZ1 I2 IS 9Std I st at nw n sep3t sep23tWANTED sep3tY sep3tWANTEDBrightWANTED WANTEDBright Y ATEDBright Bright boys bo to start Times Tlmeroutes Time Timeroutes 3routes good ao money earned erDe after school acho 1 ihours For further InformationInornuLton Apply appl y yto Circulation Circulaton Department Times Build Bulk Iing foiiif foiiifWANTED ot otWnWANTED W WANTEDSALESMEN SALESMENSALESMEN SALESMENLoc SALIISMENLocal Local or traveling tvelng to sell m 11fireproof freprof f safes saC farmer farmrJ f fs armers experience unnecessary unnee8ry quick quicksales QuickMle quit it itIsales Mle s ales big profits profts ALPINE SAFE CO ICincinnati Cincnat Ohio it itACTIVE I itACTIVEACTIVE traveling salesmen 81Emen good men menare mc in inreare ar a re now earning erning 3000 O annually annualy In com commission commIII con 1 1ntsain mission mIII z n best bst aide line offered otered D T p L JSTWEIR WEIt WHITE LEAD CO St Louis 8Mo lo ItWANTED WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS WANTEDMISCELLANEOUSANTEDFurniure WANTEDMISCELLANEOUSWANTEDFurniture MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUSWANTEDWANTED WANTEDFurniture ANTEDFurniure Furniture and upright pl plan plAI0 ptarcs an AI0 arcs on for cash sell sel your our goods to the theman theman themanman who gives ghe you ou the most mot moneyHOPWOOD 8th and ad K eta st so43t so43tWANTED 83tV aolItWANTEDToWANTED WANTEDTo V ANTEDTo To buy bu three pool tables table tablessecondsecond seond hand Apply Appl 33M 3 M l pol st nw nwsc43t nwIt3t nwst43tsc43tWANTED It3t It3tWANTEDAt sc43t st43tWANTEDAtWANTED WANTEDAt At SINCLAIRS 633 G Louis Louisiana Louisana uls ulslana lana l ana ave furniture showcases showcaes railtop ritopdesks dek organs old feather fethor beds for forCHtth CorcltMh forcashcash Storage Storge 75c 75 per pe load load oe83t oe83tWANTED Idt IdtANTEDPrintng e53t e53tWANTEDPrintingWANTED WANTEDPrinting ANTEDPrintng Printing press pru must bo bocheap bochep becheapcheap chep for cash cul Address BOX 132 l this thisoffice thisoffice I Iotceoffice otce se33t se33tWANTED se3t se3tWANTEDCoffee IWANTED WANTEDCoffee ANTEDCntee Coffee urns urs for cash 3 and andgallons andS5 gallons galon HOPWOOD Sth and K sts stsi suseIt stamSIti ee8at ee8atPOCKETBOOKS seIt seItPOCKETBOOKS mSItPOCKETBOOKSPOCKETBOOKS leather goods etc etcmade etcmltde etcmademade repaired repaire and for sale slle estimates estimatescheerfully estmtto estimatescheerfullycheerfully cleerCul given KR1TSCH 421 llth 1th st stnw stnw atnwnw se33t se33tWANTED se33tANTEDHlghes se33tWANTEDHighestWANTED WANTEDHighest ANTEDHlghes Highest cash cah prices paid for forworn forworn forwornworn garments gRrment ladies or gentlemens gentlemensAddress gentemens gentemensAddre gentlemensAddressAddress Addre postal ptal and ad I will wi cull cl any an hour hourJ hourJJ TAR8HES 1308 13 7th st nw phone phoneNorth phonelorth phoneNorthNorth 499 9 au30t au30tWANTED au auZi + 40t 40tWANTEDSeOnd 3t 3tANTEDSelondWANTED WANTEDSeOnd ANTEDSelond Second hand had gas g engine and andwasher andwlher andwarulnerwasher wlher Address Ad C688 BOX 97 9 ti this office officeop23t otce otceMop3t officezeop3top23t Mop3tW zeop3tWANTEDPure op23tWANTEDWANTED W WANTEDPure NTEDPlro Pure white Whltes solitaire tair cBs diamond cBsmond a amont mond mont ring ladles preferred W to tocarat tocart tocaratcarat cart state tate price prce Address Addre BOX M 80 S this thiaotnce thl9ollco thisolticeotnce ollco oep23t oep23tWANTED sep23tV saplItWANTEDTOWANTED AITEDTo V To supply suppl a hotel or res restaurant restaunmt roetKUrltnlt taurant with 100 10 to 300 3 cut dahlias dnhJI per pttrwoek perweekweek through season sOsn Address Addre BOX BO pr prwlek 98 98this 98thi 98ofilcethis thi office otce sev23t sev23tY ep23t sepiItWANTEDFurnitureWANTED AITEDFurnlture Y Furniture carpets crets etc buy buying bu buIng buying ing contents of houses hOUIU8 a specialty sveclnl3 lib llbprompt Jb Jberal libcmleral allot cash prices mal mall order given givenromJt givenpromptprompt romJt attention atention i LEVYS LEVYS avi aviTURK FUUNt FUUNtlURE FUIINtrURftlURE TURK SHOP SI1oIlIOlOth 410 10th at lt nw qu3130t qu3130tHIGHEST au3130tHIGHEST aull301HIGHESTHIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for forsecondhand foratcondhand fortsecondhand t machinery also brass cop copper copper copper per lead zinc and nd scrap iron EDGAR EDGARBAUM EDGAHUAbM EDGAPBAUMBAUM UAbM 3212 312 1212 K st nw Phone West est 2 2auaoMt 24 246 246auIOtOtauaoMt auaoMtCURIOS au3tt au3ttCURIS auIOtOtCURIOSCURIOS CURIS ANTIQUES OLD COINS COINSpearls COINSpearls COINSpearlspearls rubles r blo diamonds old gbld gld sIlver allverwatches siver siverwatohM sIlverwatuheswatches dentist d ntst gold platinum plntnum pawn pawntickets pawntCk pawnticketstickets etc Highest cash prices paid paidAlJItsijAltIStCk t8t Hfchut pnld pnldABIIAJIAAIS lh1 lh1ADhAJ1SABIIAJIAAIS ADhAJ1S AlJItsijAltIS 433 4 5th th at nw Jy2S180t J 10tWANTED WANTEDAGENTS WANTEDAGENTSCANVASSERS WANTEDAGENT AGENTS AGENTSCANVASSERSCANVASSERS C AND AGENTS s sell ll ournew n ew magnifying magnflng photograph photogrph frames S1latent la test out also al8 campaign paperweights trmfsand a nd photographs cmpig of Pre Presltlentisil iu pprwelrht > ntlal nominees nEel n ees GLEN G LEN ROCK Preldfntll NOVELTY OVEL TYA WORKS W ORKS Glen Rock PaGen Rok It ItARGENTS Ij ARGENTS AE A GENTS TS can j in n ever home bom gteerr no each ca h or experiencenecessao nces n ecessc CO write for free outnt ouUI exprhmt JL1KF ILl VP l fChicago it IAGENTS A to sell sel selffeeding seltteelng brush nov noeltles ells e lties big proft profit good go seller J r 2cent 3centstamp s for particulars antileakprUeulars proposltlcn s itien FOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN BRUSH antlk CO prp 100 E129th 12th 1 st at New York 10 It 1WANTED WANTEDAgent WANTEDAgents Agents to solicit subscrlpti tlons tons t ions In country countr towns solcit for The subrlp WashIngton i Evening and Sunday Sunda Times Inconnection connecton c with its Is Presidential Preidental votecontest c Liberal Llb Address A ddress THE WASHINGTON TIMESCOMPANY CO IPANY corner corer 10th and D TIMlS st3Washington D C an au23tfau2tt au2ttFORFOR RENT RENTFURISHED RENTFURNISHED FURNISHED ROOMS ROOMSFOR ROOMSFORFOR F OIl RENT REITTwo Two connecting rooms1 partly partl p furnished urlshed for light lght housekeeping hous mmAuse u se of parlor Prlor 1310 I st 8t nw kepng It ItFOR IFOR RENT RENTTwo Two nice furnished furnlshN room roomsandsecond seond and third floors fooZS S13 F st nw It ItRENT ltFORFOR RENT RENTRoom Room on second ond floor flr withsouthern sand eastern exposure irtwam t mheat h eatprice price 7 t 1627 14 11h 14th Mi expure sc at nw It ItFOR IFOR RENT REITTwo Two very desirable comver delrbl cmmunlcatlng munictng rooms bath bth adjoining s see cond e nd floor for steam heat Itt within adjining walkingw1tnddistance of departments department private familyterms ttrms t zs reasonable reasnable lltt HI 113 2Sth 5h si nw famiy It ItRENT I itFORFOR RENT RENTFront Front room rom southern 2thern ex fXposure pure p osure for one or two gentlemen Kent m n 67 7 H Hst Hstst a t nw C it itFOR IFOR RENT RENTLrge RENTLarge Large front room hall Iroom rom r oom two windows S4 month monthJt rm 73C 73 hl MJt a t nwit itLARGE ILARGE LAGE furnished furnishe front frt room rom suitable 8ultablfor f or two 10 small smRI room rom 4 ill H stnw it itFOR ItFORFOR RENT REN RENTNeat Neat eat and comfortable comturtbl sec second ond floor for rooms northern and ao southern south uouthsraexposure rn rnexpsureexposure expsure also alf front parlor Jrlor 115 16 B st stne t tnenefeI feI1R el2t el2tFORFOR 1R RENT RENTThree Three nicely furnished furnishedrooms turnisbl I Iroomsrooms roI Me8St bath bth and gas 48 4 4 PI st s1 nw nwMe8St nwcltclt cltFORFOR RENT RENTThree Three furnished rooms roomssecond roomssecondturnlbsecond lecond floor fr bath bth quiet locality 1Ut rm rmlecond near n car cr canine line 1ne 2112 211 2112K K st nw ee38t iet ietOPPOSITEOPPOSITE PARK PARKCol PARKCool Cool newly n l papered paperedrooms perscrooms new matting matUn and screens 8e ppf 1 to t4 14 per pr week transients transient 424 4z Sth st at nw nwse32t nwse2se32t se32tFOR se2 se2FOR atFOR RENT REITIlcely Nicely furnished second secondand secon seconand nd ndAnd Iand third floor Rr front buy bJ window wlnt0w rocms r rocmsmodernmodern mer improvements Jmroement 478 II I at nw BWset awzel2tse32t zel2tFORset setFFOR F R RENT RENTRom RENTRoomr Roonwr for gentlemen gentlemennewly lmn mnntwlnewly ntwl papered ppered and furnished furishe 6 8 and andper amS si per month 730 73 7SOiStie 12th 1th st nw n e f sdIt S 32t 32tFOR t tFORFOR RENT RENTTwo Two communicating cmmunitng front frontrooms rrontrooms fron I Iroomsrooms light lght housekeeping husekeepng bath btb heat heatand h hand healandand gas gs same Sme floor 11 or gentleman geti m 1 12 IA st ne s li soSSt 38t908 9 MASSACHUSETTS MSSACHUSETTS A AVENewly VK YBe Newly l J JperedJpered p red and painted rooms roo gentlemen gentlemenaolitse33t se3 se3FOR aolitFOB gentt nFOR RENT RE1T Two nicely nSI furnished furnishedrooms turn1btd turn1btdroom furnisheiroomsrooms room heat het and gas use Ul of o bath bth bthgfmtemn tb tbgentlemen ti tigentlemen >gentlemen gfmtemn who wh can furnish furlah good G refer reference referene refereuce ence ene se37t se37tFOR se3itFOR ae3TtFOR terms tens reasonable reane 721 7 10th loks1 st n nse37t f us usae3TtFOR RENT RE RENTFurnished TFur1ked Furnished secena SeJ story Stor Vfront room three for light hous be hoesetseep l Mping B aolSt aolStFOR reonfble reasonable SIC S North Norh Capitol Cpt at atFOR staolSt t tB tPORFOR RENT REXTWen Well furnisned turnlb rooms rms hot hotand ho t tandand cold cld water ater in room rom quiet am aUI and scrup ulously Ulousl clean cleR house h cheap chel runt rent 515 2d 2dst l IdStst st nw n s aolSt aolStFOR e3t e3tFORFOR 11ENT 2ENTLarge ENTLrgefurnlshe Large furnished front frnt frntrom frontroomroom rom S month 16 1 B st sty nw n se38t s3lt s3ltFOR aolItFORFOR RENT REXTFurlhed RENTFurnished Furnished rooms with or orwithout orwthot orwithoutwithout wthot board brd 102 Indiana J 1an ave nw nws n nsa nwseaSts sa seaSt seaStFOR 33t 33tFORFOR RENT RENTFurnish RENTFurnished Furnished rooms for light lghthousekeeping 1221 11 New York ave nw nwse83t nwse3t nwaolItse83t se83tFOR se3t se3tFOR aolItFORFOR RENT Newly Xewl furnished turnbh roomswith or without board brd ITMf In iB Pennsyl Pennsylvanla PenDyl PenDylvaniA Pennaylvanlavanlaave nw n ae88taet aettJf9 t 9 H ST NW XVA A few fewnicely ewneely nicely furnished furnishedroom furnishedroomsroom room for rent house hou e fronts south th andha hu all modern conveniences convenl ne1 table board boardsecond br boardsecondsecond Ind door dor away a war se82t st stFOR 553ItFOftFOR RENT RENTI 2 furnished furllthe rooms roms in url private pni pniValevat Vale family famB 11 11 115 D st nw s Jp sept2It sept2ItFOR pt2at pt2atFOR t tFORFOR RENT RENT1m 1221 H at nw furnishedrooms roms suitable for two reasonable furnishere8sblegas g bath bt1 private family fmly s aeplIt aeplItFOR p28t paFOR RENT RENTIl 23 K st ft ne back parlorbckroom adjoining adoIning it desired dre heat prlor gasbath b h convenient convenienttoLPO to O P O het sep28t sep28tFOR seplItFOR p KFOR RENT RENTThCce RENTThree Three nicely nlcel furnished turnlberooms roms two large one amah smat side frontfrnt424 4 rj 4th st 2t ne noFOR sepJ8t sepJ8tFOR paFOR RENT RENTFurnished Furnished complete lighthousekeeping noufckeeplng nice large lar e front trOt b base basemnent lght sment bedroom berom and small smal kitchen kltch n b sb 1071 1 1C st ne aep28t aep28tFOR sepa sopSItFORFOR RENT RNT1m RENTlilO 1130 6th 6h st st nw nicely fur furnlohed furnished furnishednished second and third floor Ror communi communieating communieatingeating etng rooms roms JG upward UPwtd board brd if I de desired d I Iee1sired sire ee1 sepS3t aspIStFORsPlt sPltFORFOR RENT RENTFor For light lsht housekeepi housekthree nicely furnished urnlhed front rooms rom p i rt re recrenOoscrcnces 1035 Now Jersey Jerseeren06 sep23t lo ave nw nwsen23t IPERMANENT PER lANENT OR TRANSIENT TRSIEIT llrst llrstclosacla closa s8 216 26 3d 3 st t nw au316t au316tFOR aulltFOR auZl6tFOR frt frtclaFOR RENT RNTFURISHED RENTFURNISHED FURNISHED AND AD UN UNFURNISHED UNFURISHED UNFURNISHED FURNISHED FURISHED ROOMS ROOMSFOR ROOMSFOR ROOMSFORI FOR RENT REITFurnilhe RENTFurltiecinedand Funilahed and unfurnished unfurnishedrooms unturnlshedroms unfurnlahcdroomsrooms roms housekeeping also table board b boardot 11704 0 ot Q st nw s1 asSSt asSStFOR e3t e3tFORFOR RENT RENTOne One or two first frt floor foor com communlcatlng communictng cornmunicatingmunlcatlng munictng parlors plors 2001 i 14th 1th at nw nwalso nwolso nwalsoalso third floor foor front se23t se23tFOR 8023tFOR se2itFORFOR RENT REN Furnished Furnishe or partly prtly fur furnished furnished furnished nished three bright rooms rooms 1836 18 9th st stnw stnw atnwnw sep23t sep23tWANTED aspIItWANTEDFLATS p3t p3tWWANTED W WANTEDFLATS WANTEDFLATSWANTIIDFlat ATEDFLATS ATEDFLATSW FLATS FLATSWANTEDWANTED W WANTIIDFlat ANTIDFlat Flat of five fve or orsix six unfur unturnlshed unfurnished 1 1nishcdnishcd rooms rms with heat for adults adultscentrally adult adultscentrallycentrally centroly located locted with owner preferred preferredAddress preerred preerredAddress preferredAddressAddress BOX 119 19 this office so33t so33tFOR s0 soSItFOR t tFORFOR RENT RENTFLATS RENTFLATSrOR RENTFLATSFOR FLATS FLATSFORFOR RENT RENTLarge Larga attractive otractve new newflat newfat newflatflat fat five rooms and bath first frt floor oor F Fst Fst Fatst cars 1108 10 D st no 2299 5 open openao43t open843t opene43tao43t ao43tFOR 843t 843tFOR e43tFORFOR RENT RENTCozy Cozy fourroom tourrom and bath bathflat bth bthfiat bathflatflat near Dupont Circle gas range rangerent nmgerent rangerentrent J12K 1r 1250 per month monthFOR monthSAML gsSAML T SMITH CO 1321 G st n nse33t nw nwse3itse33t se33tFOR se3itFOIlFOR RENT RENTFlrt RENTFlat Fliu of four rooms on onfirst onfrst ontstfirst frst floor foor 161S il Itn rlh 10 si at nw se23t se23tFOR se3tFOR sel3tFORFOR RENT RENTWe We e have several very de desirable desirable dosirublo sirable flats tnts ot four rooms and bath bathporcelain bathporcelain bathporcelainporcelain bathtub wash wah stand and mod modern modern modem ern em open ope plumbing nicely papered lo located located located cated near cars Northeast rents 515 515and 15 15REEVES 5 5andand 1550 65 per mont month Northcastirent EDwARDSREEVES EDwARDS ED4VARDSREEVES IREEVES Inc Inc 614 64 13th 1th st nw au23tf au23tfFOR nu2t nu2tFOR aumtIFORFOR RENT RNTOFFICES RNTOFFICESFOR RENTOFFICES RENTOFFICESFOR OFFICES OFFICESFORFOR RENT RENTDoslrable Dfislrable office om and 615 7th st nw Apply Janitor Janitoruu27tf Janior JaniorKu2tr JanitorauZItfuu27tf uu27tfFOR Ku2tr Ku2trFOR auZItfFORFOR RENT RENTO RENTOffice Office ae rooms in the te Evans EvansBuilding EvansBUiding EansBuildingBuilding BUiding 1418 116 to 1424 1 New York ave nw nwmost nwmot nwmostmost mot centrally centalY located locate rental rentl very low lowApply lowApply lowApplyApply to JOHN O York ave aul7SOt u13t8uFOR F OR RENT RENTUNFUSHED RENTUNFURNISRED UNFURNISHED ROOMS ROOMSFOR ROOMSOR I IFORI I IIIF FOR OR RENT RENTTw RENTTwo Two unfurnished unturnl be rooms roomssecond Is second se J III F FOR OR RENT RENTFour Four unfinished unturnlhf room roomi rni p1 private xrvKte p rivate entrance fntr for fo light J ht ho housekeep housekeepg sefcepI inx In la g 1415 lllSlOth 10th 10h at t nw s4 s aolIt aolItOR t tFORFOR F OR RENT RE1T Two unfurnished unurnbhe room roomsecondsecond He se cond noor fOI floor bath bth two on third floor fr frI frFOR228 3 18th st sw aolSt 48t 48tFORIFU FOR IT F OR RENT RENTentnlhe RENTUnturnished Unfurnished rooms room In rte rtesl fisl llrble ruble locnlty lo l t close CI0 to postofllc ptotC lOCf lOCfE 10C 10CatE 5 st B1 nw It ItFOR ItORI FOR F OR RENT RENTo RENTTwo Two very v r7 large lare and beau beautiful bau bautful t tiful tful ti ful rooms rms with 1fb larje Jre closets clu and an water waterono on n same floor dr carpeted crete beautiful butul vlev vie vieIO10 1 0 Brooklnd nloo kJa1 take tk7tbstltedot tk7tbstltedotlne 7th st at end of ofline ofneU line lne ne two t o blocks blok south suth first fnt house h on onright onrhtr right rht ri ght going south come Sunday Sny V VFKLL VlF FKLL l F aLL LL BrookUnd ne It ItFOR ItFOR ItORFOR FOR F OR RET RENT RENTTwo Two T large lage vnfurntahed vnfurntahedrooms nfurnIshmd nfurnIshmdooms Ip rooms heat htt and gas gl also atl one furnished furnishedroom tunl furnishedoom hed hedrmr room rm oom cheap cne ches 816 A63 51GM M at ne neOUSEKEEPINGHalf 2ilL 2ilLHOUSEKEEPINGKalfT HOUSEKEEPINGKalf HOUSEKEEPIXGHalf H Hh of eightroom rightroomousehouse hoW Hn h ouse clean clen sanitary lar heated hete by fur furnace furnace furace nace n ace separate leprle bath bth bathequal equal eual use of o pleas pleasant pleasnt a ad ant nt yards yard Call Cal Monday od M J to 4 p anyday dy d ay II to 73 7 lIQ p J m 36 M st nw nwFOR nwat 11WaolItat atFOR aolIt aolItORFOR F OR RENT REXTTwo Two nice ni unfurnlnno1 unfurnlnno1roomsrooms rm ro roa oms second ld floor fr 30B 2 5 Delaware Doe av AO ave avetne a t s32t s32tFOR t tFORFOR F Ffl OR RENT RENTFor RENTFour Four rooms rm on o second secondoorfloor tor fl oor light lght hOkeepln housekeeping htit htt gas and an andathbath b b ath tho ill A st a ne P a st stFOR aOlIt aOlItOR iSt iStFORFh FOR F OR RENT RENTTb RENTThreerpm Tnr TnrFOR n ft flat clCn clean cleaneathet h eat aolSt aolStOR and b gas re neasonaIe J1 III D 1 s at 1 11e iw iwaolSt1e 1eFORFOR F OR RENT RENTlve RENTFive Five unfurnished ucfurnh I rooms for forousekeeping orhoulkepnl h housekeeping terms mt reasonable re8nbe 1WT 10 B Bst Hstst t ne nt 8 p513St p513StOR 38t 38tFOR It ItFORFOR F OR RENT RENTThl RENTThre Three unfurnished unfurlh rooms roomsprivate roomsrivateprivate p rivate bath bth 4L 41M L Sd st I nw a M3 aolSt aolStOR rA 3t 3tFOR iFOR F OR RENT RENTTo Tvo c csecond or lbr three Jr large rooms roomssecondroos roosondsecond ond floor fr aninrrlsheci lalur1h 912 I M t at at nw nwset nwmSSt I Ise38tse38t set setFOR mSStOR I IFORFOR F OR RENT RE Beautiful ut1UI unfurnished unfurnishedoomsufurnlhd ufurnlhd1Drooms 1D r for business 0 or o private familyYt tamiy1 1014 1 014 14th 1th st s1 nw asSSt asSStOR 38t t tFOR I IFORFOR F OR RENT RENTS unfurnished 1nfursbo rooms rom heat heat heatas I Igasgas PI g as and bath btk uduits 14uU 316 Kh th st at ne ne8pt1 meOR I Ient28t I8pt1 ent28t I IFOR JFOR FR F OR RENT RENTTr RENTThree Three third thir floor flo r rooms roomsalso jn ralso a 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Storey Cotton Coto Com Company Comf Cornmny pany f mny Incorporated Incrrtf capital cptl and an surplus surplus2tOOO8202000 SO are you you getting Kettng your our surpu share hrWrite Wrte for particulars prticlr particulars T r H QU1NLANTreasurer Trurr 658 S The b he Bur Bourse Philadelphia PildelphiaPa It ItWANTED J ItWANTEDSomeWANTED W WANTEDSome A TEDSme Som business bu8ne men m who 10 un an derstand farming machinery todftan tanlD mehler dtapo dtapoof dlp dIaposfof f patent t nt or o have machine mcblne manufac manufactured mnututure manufeeture tured ture ture A nrstchuis Irtcl opportunity otnty for to any an r rmanman who means business and hasDn wh mEI bulnes h a i Ilittle money mon to invest Innt Address Ad 1005 1 rth al Jtl Ist t nw setIt setItA e4t e4tAONE seltAONE IA AONE ONE OF THE best bt equipped steamlaundries lundrf of o its It stze 1tpcJy sizecapacity capacity euipp 300 oo per perweek pe peweek Iweek w k can en be b bought buht at invoice C2900 C2900iDcMaafnff LellO 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3t 3tFOR t tlOR2FOR lOR SALE SALEIVell Wel Vell paying pyln photo gallerychep cheap this thl office officeFOR it I sold al at one oc once Address Addre poto BOX DX gll IU 1ofe sept septFOR ap 3FOR SALE SALESed SALESecond Second hand han furniture furniturestore furture furturestore furniturestorestore line tne location loAttn goad g0 stock stok must mustyell mustsellyell lel office Om at once 469 4 Add Addre Address res BOX BX aeid3t Mi Jl en48t this thisottiee thisOm thisoffice uFOR SALE SALEFet SALEFeed Feed store Jore established etblshed etblshedyers 20 20years 20yearsyers years cheap chep rent ret team tem and ad business businesscomplete businesscompleteCfltlte complete 53IG 3W NEW YORK BUSINESS BUSINESSBROKERSBROKERS 811 F Sp23tFOR SALE SALECorner Corner cigar cgr store stor one of ofthe ofthe ofthethe best bt locations loton in Washington mak making Ik Ikfng ieakng ing i ng money mone owner returning to Europe Europeprice Europ Europepriceprice pric 750 7 NEW YORK BUSINESS BUSINESSBROKERS BUSINESSBROKERS BUSINESSBROKERSBROKERS Gil Gl F sep2St sep2StFOR S1 S1OR SOpSStFORFOR OR SALE SALEThreechlr SALEThreechair Threechair barber brbr shopbusiness buln street str t low rent tnap snap nap DU DUGAN DUGAI DLTGANGAN GAI S17 Louisiana u I na ave aveEAGLES au31 au3lt au3ltEAGLES t tEAGLES=EAGLES ARE ON THE WING WINGBALTIMORE WINGto ING INGtoto toBALTI1RE toBALTIMOREBALTIMORE BALTI1RE MD MDGET MDGET ID IDGETGET A SALOON NOW NOWAnd NOWAnd NOWAndAnd it will wi earn arn Its fs coat t during the fes festivities testilte fesUvitles tivities tilte For particulars prtculars apply ROOM ROOMJ3 auSSSt aut 406 Courtland Courtand at Baltimore Bltmore Md MdauSSSt Mdaut Mdau23OtFOR RENT RNTHOUSS RNTHOUSSFOR RENTHOUSES RENTHOUSESFOR HOUSES HOUSESFORFOR RENT RENTDelrble RENTDesirable Desirable tenroom tearm bay baywindow b boywindowwindow house hous t 004 3d I st near nar Pension PensionOtflce Pension0111ccOtflce se43t se43tFOR aolItFOR bath bth yard yar key 1 314 14 3d 3 st nw nwse43t nwFOR nwaolItFOR RENT RENTN RENTNae Nice home six rooms and andbath andbth andbathbath bth all Al modern moern improvements Impovements on 12th 12thst 1tl ittleatst Brookland Brokland rent r renal lt 8800 1S6 8i Apply Appl H E EBURGESS EBURGES EBURGESSBURGESS BURGES 8 7 F st nw s s4 mSIt mSItFOR 84t 84tFORFOR RENT RENT703 708 l lith th st st ne brick all allmodern allmodernmodern Improvements Improvpment six rooms pan pantry pantry al try tr cellar berth porcelain orelln tub heated heatedwith hete heatedwith pn pntrwith wih hot water JOHN COKER ilS I Mh Mh8t th thSt8t St ne sp83t sp83tFOR sopSItFORp3t p3tFORFOR RENT REIT3l RENTWS1 3481 I st st nw six sll slllooms large largerooms largeoomsrooms r brick modern improvements improvementsnearnear cars crs Key Ke KeyatSlS6 at 3486 aep23t aep23tFOR aepl3tFOR p3t p3tFORFOR RENT REN3 2 3 Eat K st at nw 12room 12roombrick 1 12roombrick =brick 4210 lI I 423 4 Sd st ft at ne 6room Grom brick2099 205 5 E N WATERS 113 13 F st st nw nwep83t nwaept newsopSStep83t aeptFOR RENT RNTTORES RNTTORESFOR RENTSTORES RENTSTORESiii STORESiii FOR LEASE LEASERre LEASERare Rare opportunity opprullt most mostdesirable mst mstdwlrabe moatdesirabledesirable dwlrabe location lotin in Washington ubngto ashtngton for fordrug fordrug fordrugdrug store stor corner crner 14th 1th and an K I sts Coch Cochran Coh Cohran Cochranran Hotel Hotel Terms erms etc HOTEL OF OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE FICE au30 au34t au34tFOR auSOt auSOtFOR t tFORFOR RENT RNTUBURAN RNTUBURANFOR RENTSUBURBAN RENTSUBURBANFOR SUBURBAN SUBURBANFORFOR RENT RENTSbr6m RENTSixroom Sixroom house hoU 6 sve sveroom seven sevenroom 8room rom house hOU 1 53 nineroom nneroM house hC 12M 12MLots i2WLotsLots Lts for sale sle Steam St8m and aB etootrie etrle cars carsPIERCB 4r earsPIERCEPIERCE PIERCl aulSMt nult PIBRCE PI1RCJ P1ItC Vienna Va VaaulSMt Va V Vau1SItIWANTED WATEDROOMS WANTEDROOMS ROOMS AND AI BOARD BOARDWANTED BOAD BOADw BOARDNTKDDyIWANTED w A NTKDDy T DDy By young Tong married DHUre coupleroom rm r and An board br In country cnto in couflo clos CII CIIonecdou ingetelephone KJe I roou r goI lah tabletelephone tllphon in house h houseioc I It ItIKK 1tlUIKK lU i ioc 12th ST NWFaclrs lWFact a p prk kRooms Roms with withbonrd tb board br IS 5 a weeK weK up I INEW i iNEW lNEW UiJ nhoard beautiful home overlookingbd butful hO cerlk Capi tol grounds groundsPARLORgnd se3 s3J t tPARLOR tPPARLOR P RLOR BEDROOM with or withoutBEDROK wt wihoutboard bord for two gentlemen g ntlmn 4 I F st nw nwz nwNICELY nwseSztS seSzt seSztNICELY 82t 82tNICELY zNICELY FURNISHED Fl RXISHED rooms board Urmdesired deire 8 I IS 2 11th st st at nw brd se23t se23tWANTED sJt sJtW T1t T1tWANTEDTwoWANTED W WANTEDTwo AITEDTwo Two boarders brder nicely niey fur nished nlb d room rom with firstclass drte boardbrnw bath bth 863 6 per pr week wek each ech iSO Sd d st st at atUWsep23t sep23tFOR sp3t sp3tFOR sopSStFORFOR RENTNlce RE TXle furnished fi rooms rom for forone roron foroneone on or o two first frst and andsecond second and floor J with lthboard br SIS 8 5th h st ne sep27t sep27tTVO sep7tTWO it itTYOTWO ROOMS RoS with wih board brd steam ate heatflrst lnt floor r no n other boarders brers private pryaUfamily tama 1129 1 10th 1h at nw sep23t sep23tNICELY lep3t lep3tNICELY sepl3tNICELYNICELY FURNISHED FUR lSHED front frot and back backrooms bc backroomsroms rooms with wit lirstclsss Irstclns board brd an all mod modern mo modera era improvements mpemt at most Jt reasonable reasonablerates reable reablerate reasonableratesrates rate i04 t Indiana IniAna ave nw sep27t sep27tHOTEL spZt spZtHOTEL sep2tHOTELHOTEL BALTIMORE BALTIMORE 15th st t and New ewYork ave nw nv transients trn1nt 1 1 per daj dajand da daaDd dalandand up single singl and double rooms rms pr sel141 sel141FURNISHED slUI slUIFURNISHED ael141FURNiSHEDFURNISHED ROOMS with bd board con convenient convenientvenient location ltn K9 K at t t nw au3l5t au31tBRIGHT au316BRIGHTBRIGHT comfortable cmortbl furnished urnle rooms roomswith rms rmswIth roomswithwith board brd 98 3 I st 8t nw n au305t au305tROOMS au3it au3itROMS auIOStioocsROOMS ROMS with or without lth8t withutb Jboards 6xd TIS i 8tb 8tbst 8thatst nw M LOST LOSTLOTBlck LOSTLO6TBIackLOST LOTBlck LO6TBIack Black leather l tbr hand hn satchel stl con containing contamig contabling tabling tamig change chnGe and Pnd railroad riro pass be between b betwecu tween MarUnsburg arlbr and an Baltimore BAIUm p in tha thaname thanm tIernamename nm of otlr5 Mrs J T iahn 3hn hn and an Miss xs Nettie NettieWehnert Nette NetteWenert NetUWehaurtWehnert Wenert Return Rltur to 7C6 Wth 1h st at ne and andreceive andreve andreceiverrrdreceive receiverrrd receiverrrdLOSTA remrd rfud se43t se43tLOSTreve St StLOSTALOST LOSTA A ladys Jdys ring three thr stones stOS em emerald emerald m merld erald erld in center diamond on each eh side sideon sideo sideoncmoon o Saturday Sturd morning ming between 1tWR tth th and an A Aand Aae c1 V Vandand M d st and Massachusetts XAehats ave ne neoae s an neue 10 o reward ard if i returned returnf to t 10 4th t st ne neIt neI noitIt ItLOST itLOSTSmallIILOST LOTSml LOSTSmall Small pale ple yeJUwfJ 14kIsAIgOra A A ora kit kitt Bitten kitten ten t D Reward R ar if return rtJtf reternedt t 1 U 145 Mama Massachusetts Kus Mamachusettachusetts chuftt aye nc noLOSTCUpped selit selitLOST SfI > t tLOSTClppLOST LOSTClpp LOSTCUpped CMpped reCdtehbrown r dlhbrn Irish Irh iet ietten t tter ttfrten tfr name nme Major Maj tag A SS Rewarl 1 1S 43Massachusetts 1Sachusetts UJaacwttJaacwtt Massachusetts achusetts ave t ne D noLOSTPhoenix sc3it sc3itLOST S3t S3tLOTPhnixLOST LOTPhnix LOSTPhoenix Phoenix wheel hfl No 4 4SJB 45IN dark darkblue darkblue darkblueblue frame trmf red head red and blue buE riau riau20inch rl rlmtrh riuia20Inch20inch mtrh irrf inre Nevcrotit N vFout lamp lUIP ttl UJt UJttre 1tii 1tiitires j jtirestires tre No 17 1 Si i 6 reward war uELLKR uELLKRNICHOLSON SYELIAiRNICHOLSON ELIEfNICHOLSON lCHOLN 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